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This is a blog by Dayoung Jeong where she muses on theatre, opera, film, ballet, and sundry things that intrigue her.

Interview with the Theatre Times

Interview with the Theatre Times

Sometimes talkbacks are not enough. Sometimes you need a thoughtful interviewer who asks all the right questions. (Were my answers "right" though? That's an irrelevant question, in my opinion.)

So Walter Byongsok Chon interviewed me, Eunsung Kim, and Seonjae Kim to talk about our process of brining "Sister Mok-rahn" all the way from Seoul to New York. 

We talked about "happy" stories, representation of Asians on stage, and our wishes.

Have I grabbed my attention yet? Here's the link to read the interview. 

Ratmansky's "Whipped Cream": Can Too Much Candy Rot Your Soul?

Ratmansky's "Whipped Cream": Can Too Much Candy Rot Your Soul?

Review on "Sister Mok-rahn"

Review on "Sister Mok-rahn"